Whether you are an experienced beekeeper, a recent starter, or are simply interested to find out more, you will find a warm welcome in Dean Forest Beekeepers.
Probably the most valuable aspect of membership of any beekeeping association is the opportunity to talk to other beekeepers. There is enormous benefit in being able to discuss your questions, problems, ideas and experiences with people who are dealing with the same issues. Through the monthly indoor meetings and weekly apiary sessions, Dean Forest Beekeepers gives its members plenty of time to meet and talk, and our Facebook page is also available for discussion of any beekeeping topic.
We have members of all ages and all levels of experience, so you are sure to find friends who share your particular interests.
Membership Benefits
Dean Forest Beekeepers provides the following member benefits:
Apiary: With 20 hives and experienced beekeepers on hand to explain and advise you have the opportunity to see hives in virtually all stages of development and understand the management options available to you. Apiary sessions are arranged so that hive checks and any necessary changes or treatment are carried out by members in small teams. As well as helping to maintain and develop the apiary, the sessions offer an ideal way to learn by putting theory into practice and carrying out real tasks with help at hand. We have a clubhouse to cover situations when the weather does not let us inspect our bees or just to somewhere to site and enjoy a cup of tea with friends.
Training Courses: We run formal training courses for new and more experienced beekeepers. Our courses are popular with excellent pass rates for those optionally going on to take BBKA exams. During the winter we help facilitate study groups for those wishing to learn more about bees and beekeeping or take the BBKA module exams.
Winter Lectures and Workshops: During the winter we have indoor meetings where an invited speaker gives a talk or demonstration, followed by ample time for members to meet and talk.
Shop: The shop provides basic beekeeping provisions such as feed, frames, foundation at competitive prices. We also have a number of honey extractors and related equipment available to hire.
Microscopy Lab: Members are able to bring samples of bees and pollen and get help investigating them under the microscope.
Library: We have a library with an updated selection of books available for members to borrow.
Bee Safaris: Each year we arrange to visit a number of member apiaries with a guest beekeeper who will lead us in an inspection.
Membership Types
There are four classes of membership:
Full membership is suitable for those who keep bees and wish to participate fully in all aspects of Dean Forest Beekeepers. Includes membership of the BBKA with associated benefits.
Partner Membership provides all the benefits of full membership excluding the BBKA News magazine and insurance provided by the BBKA.
Junior membership provides all the benefits of full membership.
Social/Local membership allows full participation in all aspects of Dean Forest Beekeepers but excludes all BBKA membership benefits.
GBKA and BBKA membership
Members of Dean Forest Beekeepers are automatically members of Gloucestershire Beekeepers Association, of which we are a Branch, and all except Social members are also members of the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA).
The BBKA represent and support beekeepers in many ways, and organise a National Convention each spring. Members can attend meetings of any of the seven branches in the Gloucestershire Association.
Further details of BBKA membership can be found here.